Kempen Kutipan Dana Misi Kemanusiaan Palestin Syria Rohinya Somalia Mali

Even if Boycott will have little affect on Zionist,
BUT it will affect you,
the degree of your love and concern to your brothers and sisters

Show your LOVE and CONCERN for the Palestinian cause by boycotting the Zionist Products

Boycott israel goods and love yur muslim brothers

Boycott israel goods and love yur muslim brothers

sayangilah saudara kita di Palestin ,
hindar diri dari membantu Israel membunuh rakyat Palestine…. 😦

Do also pray for SYRIA, ROHINYA, MALI, IRAQ, SOMALIA, BOSNIA and other places where the justice is tears apart from its people.

Tabung Palestine Haluan
BIMB 14023010034292
Maybank : 564490208528

Tabung Kebajikan & Kemanusiaan HALUAN
Maybank :5622 6350 2611 (Selain Palestine)

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